The Vegan Diet: What to Expect

Veganism is all the rage these days, and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

Since the later part of the 2000s, there has been a 350 percent increase in the number of self-described vegans in the U.K. alone, according to CNN. The inspiration to transition to veganism is less because of health and more because of:

  • A stance on animal welfare
  • Concerns regarding the impact of the meat trade about the environment
  • Religious reasons

While we are not here to debate if the vegan diet is making a difference in those areas, we have seen a gastrointestinal change in those individuals who opt to go vegan.

What will you notice?

Within the first few weeks of going vegan, you may notice a boost in energy. The contributing factor here is the consumption of fruits, nuts and vegetables many dieters turn to. Vitamins, minerals, and fiber levels will all boost once you give up the animal-based products.

Then, over a few weeks, you will begin to notice a shift in bowel function due to the high fiber content. Some patients see an increase in bloating and flatulence, while others experience more regular, healthy stool functions. The high fiber content will alter the bacteria of your gut and colon. Many scientists and physicians alike believe that high a higher number of good bacteria in the gut is beneficial for the entire body.

Like everything, balance is key. The vegan diet affects many other areas of the body as well, but it’s important to know that the digestive system is altered by changing from processed meats to a whole grains, nuts, fruit and vegetables. For more information about how a vegan diet impacts gastrointestinal health or to schedule an appointment to discuss diet changes with a specialist, contact us today.
